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Financial Reports

How is your money spent
Your money ultimately is for the children. Every donation is diligently spent for the Food, No-Formal Education, Skill Development Training & Primary Health Care that is served directly or indirectly. On an average, 90% of the total funds is used towards meeting the programme cost and 10% towards the programme management cost. The organisation upholds maximum transparency in funds utilisation.

Transparency, especially for an NGO, is the key to trust and reliability. IPRA hence upholds absolute transparency in all its activities.

We also comply with the Indian Accounting Standards issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI) and are up to date on accounting standards. At the end of each financial year, an Annual Report with financial audits and statements is published and made available to the stakeholders.

Balance Sheets

Join Our Mission to improve a Child's Future.